New Holland T5070 in 3D visual presentation
An animated 3D visual presentation of the tractor New Holland T5070
The Client
Lytagra is one of the largest companies in Lithuania working in the agriculture industry. They sell ferrous metals, pipes, building materials, fasteners, agricultural machinery, tractors, trucks, cars, and other accessories related to agriculture. Lytagra is actively developing its trade, so the company needed a new and modern way to introduce the main features of the new Holland T5070 tractor, one of their most successful best-sellers.
The Problem
Lytagra partnered with Indeform to create an animated visual presentation of the New Holland T5070 tractor aimed at the potential customers and resellers. The visual presentation should highlight the hydraulics of the tractor.
The Solution - Visual 3D Presentation
We needed to start from scratch. Since we had the photos of the tractor taken from all angles, we were fully responsible for the execution of detailed 3D models of wheels, chassis, body, and back hydraulics. The client wanted to highlight the main mechanical features of the tractor’s hydraulics, so we animated it separately. The visual appeal was also an important aspect as the technical specifications came along with the text. When we finished all modeling tasks in Blender, we developed ray-trace ready Cycles materials, set up environmental lighting, and created mechanical rigs. Animation, final rendering, and video composition was an important part too, and we needed to emphasize the main features of the tractor and create an appealing visual experience for the potential customer.
Lytagra is a giant in the agriculture industry and we’re happy they chose us as their trusted partners. The 3D visual presentation of the tractor helped to attract potential buyers.